Babies grow at an alarming rate. That’s why capturing how tiny, beautiful and precious your newborn after birth is so important.

Everything from tiny fingers and toes, cute eyelashes and pouty little lips can be held onto to keep forever with newborn photography.

I allow plenty of time for your session to create a relaxing experience.

Over the years I have learnt the perfect room temperature, sound devices, wrapping techniques & gently moving your precious baby with out disturbing them. It’s a delicate process that really does takes time, love & lots of patience.

I have a huge collection of newborn props I have gathered over the years - little hats, dainty headbands, baskets, blankets, wraps.  I encourage you to bring along your own accessories as well.

Personally I am a big lover of whites & neutrals but I also love a splash of color here & there.

Before your session we go over photo styles, poses, accessories so your photos reflect your personal style & match your home/nucery.

Newborn sessions also include family & sibling shots.

Can I combine a Maternity Photography Session?

Yes! Combining a maternity photography session with your newborn session is a very popular option to tell the story of the new life that you are bringing into the world.

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